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Stella's Journal

Tips on Traveling With a Baby/Toddler

Tips on Traveling With a Baby/Toddler

Traveling with babies and toddlers is nothing short of an adventure. Yes, it can be exhausting and nerve-racking, but it is also the biggest joy. We did a total of 28 flights and 5 continents with our first child, before he even turned! We now have 5 children, and we still seem to be increasing our travel plans every year. Needless to say, I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks along the way which I’m excited to share with you. There is a lot of information that I want to share so I’ve broken it up into four sections: 1. Before Boarding, 2. On The Flight, 3. Arrival at Your Destination and 4. Packing Your Bags.

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Essential Things to Buy for Baby’s Arrival

Essential Things to Buy for Baby’s Arrival

Before Noah’s birth (my first born), as most mamas do, I made 'nesting' my job. We had just finished building our home in Cape Town and I wanted his nursery and everything alongside it to be absolutely perfect. I researched...

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Thoughts On Raising Bilingual Children

Thoughts On Raising Bilingual Children

A friend of mine, who is expecting her first child, recently asked me about our experience of raising as bilingual children. Since it has always been such a given for us all along, that we would raise our children with...

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10 Ways In Which Motherhood Has Changed Me

10 Ways In Which Motherhood Has Changed Me

“Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain—your life will never be the same.” (Catherine Jones) There is nothing but truth in this quote. Your life will never be the same and...

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